Welcome to the community

There are a few main ways to share the space

Use this space as you feel inspired or help us grow food to go to community food relief efforts, local restaurants, and our volunteers.

Photo by Ruby Gauchman

Photo by Ruby Gauchman

Host events

We urge you to use the space to teach classes, host events, or hold meetings. Contact us to reserve some time for your group! This farm is a space for the community to gather, learn, eat, and feel joy.


Youth Internship

We are now looking for applicants for a summer long, paid internship. We are looking for individuals ages 16-21 who have an interest in learning regenerative farming practices and working closely with local community organizations. We will grow food to go to community food relief efforts and to local restaurants for a “Grown in Peekskill” local food sourcing effort.

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We hold space for meditation and work every Sunday morning from 7am-9am. Additionally, we have open “ask a farmer” hours to come talk about growing, ask questions, and work together. See our events page for more things happening on the farm!


The Peekskill Regeneration Farm is a part of the Ecological Citizen's Project's (ECP) Regenerative Communities program. The ECP is a local nonprofit organization that works to demonstrate local solutions to global problems. Please make a tax deductible contribution to the ECP to support the work of the Peekskill Regeneration Farm.